
"I feel stuck. I feel like I'm getting nowhere with my dreams." This is what a client said to me during our coaching session this week. I asked her what she has been able to accomplish since our last session about a month ago. She created a budget,...

What does Creative Courage mean to you? For me, it means making a decision about the direction of your work. To do that, you have to believe in it enough to move forward and not look back. To not allow other people’s opinions to persuade you...

My early morning walks along the water have become my idea sanctuary. Wandering downtown, soaking in silence, and admiring cotton candy-looking clouds awaken thoughts usually hidden beneath daily responsibilities and to-do lists. During yesterday's outing, as I walked over the bridge above the Intracoastal Waterway I thought about how constraints...

Do you have a creative project you keep putting off? One strategy to get us on our passionate path of creativity is to create before we consume. This means putting your creative passions first, before listening to or watching what others are doing. For example, draw,...

What makes you happy? It's usually the simple things; spending time with family and friends, creating memories, making progress, and pursuing our dreams. Yet, so often, we forget how much control we have over our own happiness. We spend more time thinking about what we don't have instead of feeling...