Best Idea Ever!! Let Me Just Ask…

Best Idea Ever!! Let Me Just Ask…

You just came up with the most brilliant idea.  I’m talking up all night, can’t wait to get things going, life-changing, jumping up and down idea that YOU created.  Oh yeah, you’re excited.  While diligently at work you start to hear that inner voice whisper something about getting “so-and-so’s” opinion before you go any further.  You know, that one person…or maybe a few people, in your life that you have to run things by before you do something.  You brush it off and continue working, but it starts getting louder and louder.  So loud in fact that you can’t even concentrate anymore and all you can think about is how you have to ask this person if you should do it. 

Why do we do that?  Why do we always feel the need to get validation from someone else before we move forward with a project?  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got plenty of mentors and people that I admire and turn to for advice, but to best honest, the most successful of the bunch tend to give me the least advice on what to do.  They encourge me to go for it.  Try something.  See what happens.  If it fails, learn from it and try something else.   

When you get excited about something that you want to do, got for it.  Create a plan and take action NOW.  Don’t wait for someone to tell you to do it or to praise your idea because…well…it won’t happen.  Trust youself.  Believe in your idea and make it happen.