29 Jul Prepare for #BlogHER16. What you Need to Know with GoDaddy’s Cj Feierabend
Get excited! BlogHer is less than one week away and I cannot wait! It’s one of those events I have always heard so much about, but I have never attended. Well, that changes now! I’ll be hanging out with the GoDaddy crew this year capturing moments and creating stories.
In order to better prepare for this epic event, I asked my new friend Cj Feierabend to hang out with me to chat about the conference. She shared tips on what to bring, what to expect and how to make the most out of this experience. She’s attended BlogHer in the past so she knows what’s up.
Check out our conversation below. And if you have any tips you want to share, tweet me and Cj and join the #BlogHer16 conversation. And don’t forget to come say hi at the GoDaddy booth. We’re excited to see you there!
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