10 May Morning Pages: The Amazing Daily Habit To Gain Clarity, Focus & Happiness
A morning routine can help you to be more productive and make the most out of your day. In this video, I share one simple daily habit – Morning Pages – that you can start doing every morning to help gain clarity, focus & happiness.
About 10 years ago I was gifted The Artists Way by Julia Cameron. I’m sad to say I didn’t read it at the time, but years later, when I bought the book again, I discovered just how powerful her Morning Pages exercise really is. And it’s now become an essential part of my morning routine.
So…what are Morning Pages? Morning pages are three pages of longhand stream of consciousness writing, ideally done in the morning before our minds become cluttered. It’s different from journaling as it’s a free flow experience and when you allow yourself to write freely like this, incredible things show up on the page. By noting down anything and everything that’s going on in your mind, it helps to unburden you and gain a sense of clarity. For me, it’s giving me a bigger sense of calm, peace, and happiness. It’s helped me to gain clarity around ideas I was over-complicating and work through some challenges.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Do you use Morning Pages? If not, will you be trying them? Let me know in the comments under the video.
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