The Power of Offline Marketing

The Power of Offline Marketing

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With everything so accessible online, we never have to leave our home.  Seriously, we can have food delivered, all kinds of products shipped, we can google our way to finding the answers to our most burning questions and we don’t even have to get out of our pj’s to find love. 

And our business?  Who needs to slap on lipstick, spend hours searching for the perfect outfit and head out to a local event? 

You do!

Yes, it’s true that we can find tons of clients online using facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and the millions of other platforms available, but there is still nothing like having a face to face conversation with someone you are interested in doing business with. 

With over eight years of experience in the chamber of commerce industry, I love sharing how I watched many entrepreneurs build a successful business through the power of  networking and relationship building.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my social media sites just as much as the next girl and I believe in the power of online relationship building as well, but just think of all the really cool people you are missing out on meeting in person right in your own community (you know, the one you actually live in). 

Having an effective Online and Offline marketing strategy is sure to get you the results you are looking for in your business.  With so many people focused only online, I was so excited when I saw in the December issue of Entrepreneur Magazine that a successful busines owner was encouraging people to get out to local events in order to build their business.  

What do you think about going to events?  How has it impacted YOUR business?  Share your comments below.  We all want to hear them! 🙂
