Why Creativity Matters at Work (Employee Engagement)

Why Creativity Matters at Work (Employee Engagement)


While it may not seem important to some leaders, creativity really does matter at work. Creativity is the ability to generate new and innovative ideas. In fact, creativity is a key factor in employee engagement and job satisfaction. A study by Adobe found that 76% of employees believe that creativity is important to their job satisfaction and that having the freedom to be creative leads to higher job satisfaction (84%).

Here are five ways creativity matters at work: 

  1. Improves problem-solving: We need to embrace and use our creativity to come up with creative solutions to problems and challenges.
  2. Innovation: Creativity fosters innovation and helps organizations stay competitive in a constantly changing business environment.
  3. Collaboration: Creativity promotes collaboration and encourages teamwork and working together to achieve the goals and mission of the organization.
  4. Engagement: Creativity can increase employee engagement and motivation, because it allows employees to express themselves and use their unique skills and talents to fulfill the mission of their role. Everyone on your team has a superpower.
  5. Adaptability: Creativity helps us adapt to change and navigate through challenges and setbacks. It helps us during periods of transition, and we’re always in transition.

Creativity is a valuable asset in the workplace and can have a positive impact on your organization. In fact, companies with high levels of creativity and innovation tend to outperform their competitors. According to a study by the Boston Consulting Group, companies in the top 25% for innovation had a 32% higher market share compared to those in the bottom 25%. Clearly, encouraging and fostering creativity in the workplace can help organizations stay innovative and competitive, and can help both team members and the organization become the best version of themselves.