
Is this anything? According to Jerry Seinfeld, this is the question standup comedians ask each other when they're working on a new bit. Surprisingly, it's a question that extends beyond comedy. I find myself wondering the same thing when I have a new idea for...

Some people believe creativity is just for artists, writers, or musicians. But that's simply not true. Creativity lives in everyone. It lives in you. It's a crucial part of problem-solving, innovation, and personal growth. When we tap into our creativity we feel more fully alive. We...

Writers write. Runners run. Chefs cook. Singers sing. Entrepreneurs build.Dancers dance. Artists create. Comedians share. Leaders lead. They don't ask for permission. They don't wait for an invitation. They don't search for the right gear or have it all figured out before they start.  They embrace their creativity and pursue their passions. Because they...