My Blog

You are creative. But hey, we've all had those days when our ideas seem to hit a roadblock, right? That's where the magic question comes in: "Is this anything?" You have great ideas, but sometimes they need a little work. This is a great question...

Where do you find inspiration? In my book, Do What You Love, I emphasize that inspiration doesn't strike. More often than not, we don't feel like taking action, and we find ourselves trapped in the handcuffs of procrastination. We trick ourselves into thinking we'll get around to pursuing...

Is this anything? According to Jerry Seinfeld, this is the question standup comedians ask each other when they're working on a new bit. Surprisingly, it's a question that extends beyond comedy. I find myself wondering the same thing when I have a new idea for...

Four tips to overcome perfectionism. Perfectionism stops us from pursuing our passion projects and dreams. It stops us from achieving our full potential personally and professionally. Fortunately, there are ways to overcome perfectionism. It starts with action. Taking action is the cure for overthinking and... While it may not seem important to some leaders, creativity really does matter at work. Creativity is the ability to generate new and innovative ideas. In fact, creativity is a key factor in employee engagement and job satisfaction. A study by Adobe found that 76%...

Some people believe creativity is just for artists, writers, or musicians. But that's simply not true. Creativity lives in everyone. It lives in you. It's a crucial part of problem-solving, innovation, and personal growth. When we tap into our creativity we feel more fully alive. We...

I am beyond excited to share my first book with you. Do What You Love is a guide to living your creative life without leaving your job. Writing a book has been on my dream list for over a decade. I have pages of ideas hidden...

Writers write. Runners run. Chefs cook. Singers sing. Entrepreneurs build.Dancers dance. Artists create. Comedians share. Leaders lead. They don't ask for permission. They don't wait for an invitation. They don't search for the right gear or have it all figured out before they start.  They embrace their creativity and pursue their passions. Because they...

Do you have your goals written down? There’s this study done by Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at the Dominican Univerity of California. She found that you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, simply by writing them down on a...

We feel most alive when we lean into our superpowers and embrace what makes us unique. Pursuing what we’re passionate about ignites more flow in our lives. When we go after our dreams, we become the person we're meant to be. Today, I wanted to share...